Iguana Island is a student project witch I created in the 5th and 6th semester.
It's a 3D action game concept whitch a rather cartoony style. The game would be located on an unexplored island in the pacific ocean. The main focus and goal is to leave the Island. But there are obstacles in the way in form of a giant mutated Iguana and the tribe, who's living on the Island scince 1850.
The Islanders
Those are the main characters. There are two scientists who recently strandet onto the island and also there is a tribe (with two exemplaric characters), whom ancestors strandet on the island back in 1850.

This creature is living on the Island for a very long time. It's a mutated pink Iguana and the biggest one on the Island. There are more huge Iguanas, but those are rather dog sized. The Iguana is normally a really peaceful creature and consumes rather vegetables than meat. But if there's an intruder on the Island, it will defend it with every cost. But note: it's not the only mutated animal on the Island!

The Island
The Island is shaped like a halfmoon, therefore the inner Beach stays calm even through a heavy storm. There are many storms hitting the Island, that's why you can find several old ship wracks on the whole coast. There are also many Rocks surrounding the mainland. Ships that arrive usually hit those sharp rocks first during a storm.

The Story
As the scientists arrive at the coast, their ship with the crew is immediately attacked by the creatures that live on the Island. They also meet the islanders, who rarely see people from the ouside. From there on the Player will always fall from one danger into an other. The main goal is it, to escape the Island.