Tummy is a VR-Game, in wich you take care of a tiny, dragonlike creature. You can plant food, play with the pet, build a shelter or just enjoy the time with you beloved little friend. This little animal will always be in need of some care and awaits you in anticipation. The project was developed by me and three other students of the HTW Berlin in Game Design. It took five months to create the game and the team is still encouraged to work futher on the game. I have been working on the overall design of the environment, as well as the pet itself.

An early marquette of the pet. Unfortunaletly it was a bit too complex for our timebudget.
February 2017
Unreal Engine
Student Project
5th Semester
Five Months
Unreal Engine
Student Project
5th Semester
Five Months
Cornelia Rapp | Maren Gutt | Laura Reinhardt | Maximilian Haas
Cornelia Rapp | Maren Gutt | Laura Reinhardt | Maximilian Haas
Prof. Susanne Brandhorst | Prof. Thomas Bremer
Prof. Susanne Brandhorst | Prof. Thomas Bremer